Candice Gorman
Universal Sphere

Candice Gorman
Universal Sphere
Candice Gorman
Candice Gorman has gone deep into the journey of Self Love, Self Discovery, and Self Mastery. She lives as an example of the process and wishes to assist others on their journey to the Self as well. The full remembrance of who we are lies within in each one of us. It can not be done for another and yet we can assist each other and support and guide each other into the the memory and and embodiment of each our own magnificence. Candice works with tools such as the Universal Sphere®, Channeling, Light Language, Energy Work, the Galactic Akashic Records, and aligns with the vast, loving, Joy filled Consciousness and support the Whales and Dolphins offer. She assists others into their own awakening into the Light that they are. It is a magnificent journey to the Self, it is truly one worth taking.
Help Improve Lives
EIN 84-3982122