Ann Fraser
Alternative Education

Ann Fraser
Alternative Education
Ann Fraser
Ann Fraser has been involved in the health and wellness field since 1995; her expertise includes health and nutrition coaching, fitness, networking, wellness program development and group facilitation. In addition to creating wellness programs at the Y and other facilities, Ann has owned her own wellness practice called Inspirational Health since 2011. She supports her clients with a spirit, mind, body approach as they learn lifelong behavior modification including yoga, meditation, positive thinking, healthy eating, appropriate exercise, energy healing, and other modalities.
She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NY, has studied Bio-energetic nutrition with Mark Mincolla, PhD, has been certified in personal training, group exercise, yoga, pilates, aqua/arthritis exercise, indoor spin, TRX, Reiki, QiGong, and more.
She has touched countless lives in a positive manner, for Ann believes that, as they say, the body achieves what the mind believes!
Ann also believes that how you move your body, what you think about all day long, and and what you put ON and IN your body are of utmost importance, for your cells become your thoughts and your thoughts become your actions…so eat well, move appropriately for your body type, reduce chemicals, and mind your mind!
Help Improve Lives
EIN 84-3982122